Advantages - The Benefits Of Heat Treating In Salt Melts
Uniform heat transfer and high heat capacity give extremely short treating and processing times, good dimensional stability and low distortion.
The flexibility made possible by using open, always accessible heat treating plants which do not require treatment to be carried out in batches.

High degree of automation of salt bath plants, depending on customer requirements.
Wide range of use, in other words various kinds of heat treatments in one plant. A temperature range of 150°C - 1300°C can be covered by salts.
Protection: Heat treatment virtually free from oxidation and decarburization.
Productivity: through quick plant availability and correspondingly high throughput per time unit.
User-friendly thanks to well thought out, proven, maintenance-friendly and easy to operate plant technology.
Process safety thanks to simple process technology and the uniform physical properties of salt melts.
Environment-compatibility achieved by the continuous development of treatments over several decades, to meet the German regulations regarding emissions, effluents and solid wastes, with matching plant and peripherals, and a safe disposal system.
Safe because there are no unwanted gas reactions, and the fire risk is low.